Stickers, buttons and more, oh my...

A new shipment has arrived!

T-shirts and other Sonic Warriors United merchandise 
is on the way for Showcase Events and Tour Dates.

Here's how you can get your hands on some SWU swag 
by helping us spread the word about upcoming shows.

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In Berlin on July 30th at Eschschloraque!

Sonic Warriors United Showcase 
On July 30th come early, stay late for a night 
with Sonic Warriors United members
for an electrifying night powered by the fusion of 
Techno, Electro, Rhythmic Industrial, EBM classics and future classics
10pm 22 Uhr
Rosenthaler str 39, 10178 Berlin - Mitte
 [SWU stickers and buttons will be available this night at Eschschloraque while they last]
In 2007, the Sonic Warriors United [SWU] project was born out of love for
the roots of electronic music and with the knowledge and experience of more
than 20 years of artistic engagement. This mission is the revitalisation of
something that has fallen into oblivion since about 1991 when the scenes
started to separate.

SWU is about thrilling a new generation of Sonic Seekers with an excellent
and unique mix of Old School and New School Beats and Atmospheres.

* Here's how to benefit from upcoming showcases, while assisting SWU in spreading the word! *

UPDATE!  Some of you are out of range for this event or have other obligations. If all goes well you'll be able to catch us live via Ustream + Live Chat. Be sure to click [Join Crowd] and you will be notified when we go live ;-]

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Frequen-C remix for KiEw

dcdisk (Remix by frequen-c) by KiEw

you can download it on the offical homepage from KiEw


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New After White Smoke Track

Go crazy by frequen-c

this track is inspired by bands like black sun empire, noise, phace and other drum`n bass bands

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Drawdio: Turn Almost Anything Into a Theremin

Imagine you could draw musical instruments on normal paper with any pencil (cheap circuit thumb-tacked on) and then play them with your finger. The Drawdio circuit-craft lets you MacGuyver your everyday objects into musical instruments: paintbrushes, macaroni, trees, grandpa, even the kitchen sink...

DIY: Make it. Remix it. Play it.

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Inspire Dance Planet

Eclectic Electronic Dance Music, Beats and Atmospheres in a smooth cosmic space setting, inside the famous Glowing Magma Sun Inspire Dance Planet [IDP] 
Join us for weekly focused music themes at IDP, i.e. new music, artists and labels. Tune-in via Winamp, iTunes Windows Media Player Real Player QuickTime or the Sonic Warriors United hosted live stream page. 

Try out the request a song feature on the stream page!

Then later Denard Henry aka Sonic Architect ~ SL (denard.alchemi)

 will fuse these themes together for our 

3rd Wednesday of every month gathering at IDP

Start Time: 1pm [SLT • Calif.] • 5pm [NYC] • 9pm [UK] • 10pm  [DE]
Teleport direct to the IDP Dance Floor / Lounge.

Stay connected for unique music events via

the Sonic Seekers Group in Second Life.

Inspire Space Park • Inspire Dance Planet ~ Facebook | Google+

= = =
We're really looking forward to your feedback about the music, artists, labels and our events, so keep it locked to discover some great underground music classics and future classics. IDP is best enjoyed with a friend or two, so help spread the word about this beautiful location with the unique sound and thanks for your continued support!

[ SWU: Current Videos, Music▼loads + Events ]

Posts you may have missed in June - 2011

Hello all, thing's have been busy here in the Sonic Warriors United Bunker, but we have found the time to keep everyone updated on things of interest and SWU activty.

Last month some of the crew made it out to a few live shows, enjoyed meeting, greeting associates and supporters of our project. You can get a taste of it all in the Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig 2011 Rewind in sounds and images.

There was also new sound manipulation via frequen-c remixes architect (unoffical) and discovery of some favorite software Etwas aus der VST Ecke

We revived news about a favorite U.S record store maybe closing it's doors to the public. Get the inside story about how We care a lot about Cafe Soundz!

Looking forward to your feedback on the above posts and feel free to share our content in your network.

Take care and thank you for your support :o)

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Complete track list for the Sonic Warriors United » Compilation Vol. 1 «