1979 industrial aus leipzig

hallo zusammen

ich möchte uns und unser projekt mal hier vorstellen

ist ein industrial projekt aus leipzig
das seine musik vornehmlich auf der playstation erstellte
gegründet 1998 von frequen-c
und bis 2009 alleine geführt

2009 kam drMolle hinzu
und unterstützt mich nach leibeskräften
soundbild und klangstrucktur
des projektes gehen neu wege
aber werden nicht völlig über den haufen geworfen

konzerte führten wir schon mit
klangstabil, dive, marita schreck, kiew,
um nur einige zu nennen

hörproben gibt es auf myspace, last.fm, mp3de
und videos auf myvideo und youtube

wer uns live sehen möchte kann das
am 14.8.2010 im panoptikum in kassel


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focusing on soundz that awakens the Sonic Seeker in us all » [mood ☣ laune] « Time Morphs »

If your liking the sounds, be part of the SWU Bunker live stream » request a song
We'll lineup your favorite music and put them in the mix, at the end of this month!

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Last time when i repaired my blackberry, i suddenly felt my electronic technican roots were coming back. The question was - how can i use this inspiration for music. Do you have the same problem? Ok, look at this:

Kit Mini Booster

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reCord WisDom

reCord WisDom. 10 things to think about. record buyers, DJs, producers + labelmen. i am writing this to the reaction of many who say they are having trouble shopping the last years or who perpetuate the idea it was all better in the past.

10) laugh at the common exchange "all the new music sucks this month" i recall the same things were said back in 85, in 90 and all through the 00's... so that means the 10's will be no different. its just us producers complaining for our jaded sakes. basically its been the same formula since day one: there are at least 25 records you need every month from right now until the day you die. poetry and music are the genius of human personality and the supply has been and will continue to be awesome. as long as we can be ccreative expect to be amazed on dancefloors of the world. it never gets old p.s. 25 is actually conservative, its probably more like 50 to 75 records, cds, 7 inches. whatever.

a further point from above, if you were complaining about everything sucking then maybe you were listening to the wrong records? think of yourself as a student and not the teacher. explore different labels, check out different categories, etc etc.

find the trends and do your best to ignore them. when a hit record comes out everyone is so excited they copy it sometimes intentionally and sometimes subconsciously. if it doesnt add something to the first example then don't perpetuate second class creations and go with the original.

if u are in the biz, and when you have to log in 100 records or mp3s a day, then all of a sudden it seems like everything is redundant and can be described in 2 words. thats actually not the truth, its easy to get jaded, keep the faith.

and dont be mad at us in the music industry. sometimes its really about how intelligent the buying audience is. if you are stupid enough to buy the same record time after time, go right on ahead because at the end of the day its a business and while there are some artistic geniuses who try and make "aural sculptures" there are many others who just make functional genre tools that are great for the moment but will not stand the test of time. again, many of those are really great records but its important to at least know the difference.

having said that, another thing illustrating this point is to recognize the fact producers and labels will act safely and stagger their talent putting out slightly different versions of the same thing over and over again with no variation in concept because they are afraid you might not buy / play / support it. i have no real problem with that even though i purposely don't emulate that model personally :-) the producers and labels following this model should make each release slightly better than the last so its never a question of quality or redundancy. like apple.

play records the right way. use new records to reinforce classics. use the classics at peak points in middle and end of sets to create anticipation. to understand the mix is to be a student of anticipation and if a person who heard you play can tomorrow walk into a shop, describe what he heard and if he walks out with the record you played, we have all succeeded: customer, DJ, label, store and artist.

take everybody seriously at all times. there is just no way to know who will be the hot producers next year or ten years from now. the only clue is that they are probably as dedicated to this as you.

on a humorous note, if i were to come up with statistical ratings for DJs, it would be like baseball (yeah somehow i'm biased) what would those stats be? gigs played, cities per year, hours logged, records per hour average? new to classic ratio? what else do we need on the back of our trading cards. i remember they tried to do this before but PEOPLE DONT WANT PURE HYPE YOU GOTTA BACK IT UP WITH FACTS thats why baseball cards were religion in american youth i knew a good player based cuz i can read his numbers and your batting average is your batting average. no wins and loses ( because they are all wins for us DJs) but we do have to have a category for home runs. sometimes a DJ just knocks us out of the park !

this is an article written by reade TRUTH

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New Ammo For Your Decks

There's a lot of good music out there and it's time to recommend some of it. Here are 3 hot records for the hot summer that will be of interest for the Sonic Warrior inside of you. Have a look & listen!

Artist: Go Hiyama
Title: Survival E.P.
Label: Token
Catalog#: TOKEN15

Token should be a name that you're already familiar with if you like your Techno a bit harder. Japanese producer Go Hiyama delivers some powerful cuts on this EP that will attract fans of Britisch Murder Boys, Ancient Methods and the like. Certainly nothing to sleep on.

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Artist: Dino Sabatini
Title: Daughter Of Phorcys E.P.
Label: Prologue
Catalog#: PRG012

Dino Sabatini takes it to the dark side without getting lost. Especially "Stheno" manages to push things forward with a grumbling Electro beat. If you like the claustrophobic tunes on the B side as well, then Prologue should be a label for you to watch out.

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Artist: Vista & Presence Known
Title: Their Prey / Water Torture
Label: Boka Records
Catalog#: BOKA029

Ok, this one is for the bass heads. While Dubstep isn't really our main focus, the occasional tune will do no harm... well, except records like this one which will actually cause a lot of damage for sure! Play and watch the frenzy on the floor :-)

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Quadrant Dub parts 1 & 2, classic #e_d_m sound structure

Soundscapes like this easily erode the hard edges of the day away
puts me back on track for new discoveries.

The hashtag: #e_d_m is for New and Inspirational music sharing on Twitter.
This tag represents, Eclectic Dance Music, a Twibe Group on Twitter.
If you would like to Join this Twibe or get the RSS Feed, check it out here.

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D R I F T @ The Drome July 2nd, 2010

D R I F T » Start Times: 2pm [CA] • 5pm [NYC] • 9pm [UK] • 10pm [DE] • Sat. 8am [.au] Share & Join us for this monthly metaverse event!

Live Music » Stream

The Drome, SL, » Teleport

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Monthly D R I F T at The Drome

First Friday of every Month World Wide Live Stream from the Drome

Live Stream from The Drome in Second Life.

Powered by Rhythmic Industrial, Electro, Techno Beats and Atmospheres

Start Times: 1pm [CA] • 4pm [NYC] • 9pm [UK] • 10pm [DE]

Share and Join us for this monthly event!

The Drome, SL » Teleport • Live Music » Stream

Don't have a Second Life account and just want event news? 
Join the D R I F T Group on Virtual Advisor

Download live Dj mixes from The Drome by

Jana Clemen aka Abstract Soul and Denard Henry aka Sonic Architect

Stay connected for unique Sonic Warriors United music events in Second Life 

via the Sonic Seekers Group.

Looking forward to seeing you inworld and your feedback about the show.

Complete track list for the Sonic Warriors United » Compilation Vol. 1 «